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Nominate the next faces of 7 Bridges

The famous brewery 7 Bridges is looking for their next faces - the unsung heroes who stand out in their communities, embracing innovation, inspiring others and who try something new.

From the very beginning, 7 Bridges brewery has been dedicated to making a positive impact on the local communities and the environment. The business firmly believes that collective small actions have the power to create significant change in the world when we join forces.

​The "Faces of 7 Bridges" initiative was launched to honour individuals who stand out in their communities, embracing innovation, inspiring others and who try something new. 7 Bridges wants to use this opportunity to shine a spotlight on those who contribute positively to their communities and the environment. Let's come together to celebrate these remarkable individuals and support their impactful work.

Everyone can nominate someone they know who fits the criteria, or they can share with us why they believe they should be featured as one of the Faces of 7 Bridges.


4 individuals will be chosen to feature on 7 Bridges beer labels. The selection jury includes Topas Ecolodge, Wink Hotels, Limloop and 7 Bridges staff.

The winners will receive:

  • Their story on a special edition 7 Bridges beer.

  • A video/article promoting their work or the organisation they represent, created and published by 7 Bridges and the Dot Magazine.

  • Each winner also receives a free night stay at Wink Hotel Danang or Ho Chi Minh City.

  • A case of the special edition beer cans! (the person that nominates a winner will also receive a case of beer).

For more information: 7 Bridges Vietnam

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